Generate More Revenue and Prove it with Predictive ROI Insights

elevate marketing in the eyes of your organization and prove marketing’s value with predictive roi
Prioritize marketing investments with predictive campaign performance
Imagine if you could estimate ROI to predict your campaign’s value before executing the work. Today, you can do just that with Cured’s predictive ROI insights. The new functionality provides predictive campaign performance to tell you the projected worth of the initiative.
Our healthcare-specific model combines customer and industry data with intensive research for marketing conversion assumptions. The data is built to be flexible to work how you need it to – during implementation, you plug in values unique to your healthcare organization to better predict ROI and outcomes. We track unique clicks on that link with the fallout to estimate appointment conversion and associated revenue. You use actual click data by selecting the sends and clicks that correlate to the most meaningful events. No brick wall ROI here, we provide accurate estimations based on your data.

The predictive ROI insights give you early data on performance sooner than post-send retroactive metrics. Knowledge of projected audience, send, and campaign performance lets you better target patients and create more impactful, personalized journeys.
Make informed decisions to drive the most impact
Predictive ROI insights enable you to prioritize your marketing initiatives to execute the most impactful campaigns. These insights ensure you use your marketing resources most effectively. Resources will be more easily aligned to marketing as you prove ROI on your initiatives. As the marketing team proves their value, budget, headcount, and other resources will be seen as strategic levers to increase marketing’s reach.

It’s time for you, healthcare marketers, to take your seat at the table and break down silos between patient outcomes, digital marketing performance, and revenue impact. You can speak confidently to your organization's executives, knowing your performance data is accurate and will prove the impact of your efforts.
Generate more revenue, and prove it with Cured. Get started today.