Cured Platform

accelerate the healthcare experience with HXP

Cured Platform

drive optimized care outcomes, operational efficiency, and ROI with one streamlined, scalable healthcare experience platform (HXP)

accelerate the healthcare experience with HXP

healthcare is necessary. the hassle is not. 

In an era of growing complexity and more demanding consumers, healthcare organizations must provide a seamless, end-to-end experience that drives patients toward proactive relationships with their care. Boost efficiency and prioritize consumer engagement with the healthcare experience platform (HXP), one solution for every step of the patient journey.

one streamlined, scalable platform

HXP connects data, AI tools, and automated workflows to the patient journey to optimize care outcomes, drive operational efficiency, and increase ROI. 

Many platforms act as point solutions, narrowly solving individual problems instead of holistically approaching the consumer experience. These solutions won’t allow for the add-on of more innovative tools to grow along with your unique healthcare organization and consumer base. HXP contains the full range of solutions required for a streamlined patient experience to support every step of the care journey, eliminating the need for additional tools. Utilizing one streamlined platform lowers operational costs, boosts efficiency, and improves user and patient experiences. From acquisition to loyalty, HXP has built-in solutions to acquire, engage, and retain patients at every stage of the consumer journey. 

HXP allows healthcare organizations to connect with patients throughout the care journey while tracking return on investment (ROI), all in one tool. Before a new need for care arises, HXP leverages consumer 360 profiles from the consumer data platform (CDP) with AI to predict contact propensity to consume care. Patients searching for care and providers receive personalized content and campaigns targeted by a calculated propensity score and optimized through multivariate testing to ensure your healthcare organization is seen. Conversion is tracked, and measurable ROI is recorded with HXP’s value calculator once an appointment with one of your providers is requested.

Automated pre-appointment content is sent through HXP’s outreach tools to negate no-shows, late arrivals, and wait time. After the appointment, digital communications relevant to the patient’s care needs are triggered, containing recommended next steps for their health journey. HXP’s outreach tool includes 80+ pre-built journeys, campaign strategies for follow-up communications, cadences, and ready-to-use best practices, keeping consumers engaged. Patients continue on their personalized journey, receiving ongoing information on services from your healthcare organization and content deemed relevant by predictive analytics to their patient journey. As patients continue to take an active role in their health and see improvement, they will share this experience with their network, providing word-of-mouth references and online reviews. By creating a streamlined process through the care journey, HXP drives better care outcomes and builds a loyal consumer base while tracking your patient population's lifetime value and ROI.

minimize your stack

With everything you need for streamlined care built into one tool, keep your solution stack simple with the robust capabilities of HXP. Our full suite of solutions allows you to quickly “turn on” new capabilities with lowlift integrations. Save money on the headcount required for integrating, mobilizing, and applying endless tools for digital marketing, predictive analytics, data storage, and market intelligence. 

protect your PHI

HIPAA is a federal law that created national standards to protect sensitive patient health information (PHI) from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge. The HIPAA Privacy Rule implements the requirements of HIPAA. The Privacy Rule standards address the use and disclosure of individuals’ PHI by entities subject to the Privacy Rule. These individuals and organizations are called “covered entities.” As a healthcare provider organization, you fall in the category of entities subject to following these rules to protect PHI and your technology providers. According to the HIPAA Journal, HIPAA compliance for email requires covered entities and business associates to implement access controls, audit controls, integrity controls, ID authentication, and transmission security mechanisms.

Unlike many other options on the market, HXP is fully HIPAA-compliant and can securely manage protected health information (PHI). Our HITRUST certification further supports this, which verifies compliance with the most rigorous healthcare security standards. HITRUST is a healthcare-specific certification that verifies a company uses the strictest requirements when handling high-risk data. Our SOC 2 Type 2 attestation also ensures service providers securely manage your data to protect your organization's interests and clients' privacy. Our compliance and security policies and processes are reviewed continuously, internally and externally, to maintain rigorous data protection. While many other options leave security gaps, HXP allows you to collect, connect, and apply patient data, knowing it’s under the highest protection.

how HXP drives the healthcare journey

gain insights

The core of HXP’s power lies in the consumer data platform (CDP), which compiles, sorts, and cleans patient data for application in the care journey. When built into consumer 360 views, healthcare teams can gain a holistic patient view made up of clinical, demographic, and engagement data. Our market intelligence tool extends the reach of data insights with market trends for health systems and service lines in your region. These insights allow for improved resource allocation and higher ROI.

tailor experiences

Engage with patients through their preferred channels—whether it’s email, SMS, or a phone call—using HXP. Modern consumers require tailored communication channels from their providers. Our platform makes this simple with AI-powered optimization for send times, subject lines, and content. Predictive analytics ensure that patients interact with email and SMS campaigns, leading to improved care outcomes. Automated personalization for campaign content and send volume ensures that each patient feels individually valued. HXP provides the omnichannel communications needed to personalize and engage at each step of the patient journey.

optimize care

AI powers our contact center solution to provide streamlined patient interactions. Access to care should not be a headache. Our contact center's automated workflows and preconfigured talk tracks help improve healthcare experiences, driving high first-call resolution. Sara, the AI assistant for contact center, provides next-best responses, automated call documentation, KPI reporting, and in-call appointment booking to streamline call experiences. Consumer 360 is also built directly into the contact center, allowing agents to have all the data to identify patients' needs much faster.

drive ROI

With one optimized, unified tool, healthcare journeys have never been more efficient. Send more innovative campaigns and drive faster conversions with workflows streamlined to deliver value. HXP creates consistent, tailored experiences that accelerate time to care while tracking measurable ROI. Reduce costs and boost revenue with the operational excellence of one powerful, consolidated platform.

the healthcare experience platform (HXP)

Simplify your solution stack and streamline care with HXP, one platform for every step of the patient journey. From insightful data compilation to personalized engagement strategies, HXP houses solutions for every step of the patient journey without requiring outside resources. By consolidating essential tools into one cohesive platform, you can streamline operations and prioritize seamless care experiences. 

fuel patient growth and loyalty with HXP

The Cured Healthcare Experience Platform (HXP) equips you with pre-built campaigns, strategies, and AI tools to make each patient feel uniquely valued.

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